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измерение количества лайков, дизлайков, просмотров, комментариев

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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 23-05-2021 12:00:32
                This is the highest priority type of transmission on the US military HF-GCS (High Frequency Global Communication System) network.  This is a SkyKing transmission.  

This format of SkyKing, using a 3 character code group, wa sin common use until about 2016.

The HF-GCS is maintained and operated by the US Air Force, however all US  forces have access to the system.

Recorded at my location in the Mojave Desert, of California, USA, on 25 October, 2010, 1434 UTC.

Disclaimer: Many of the radio reception recordings on this Youtube channel pertain to unusual, uncommon, unknown, or mystery signals that might be found on radio, both shortwave and VHF/UHF. Among the subjects covered are numbers stations, utility stations, military transmissions (both in the clear and encrypted / encoded), aviation, maritime, ham radio, CB radio, radars, ionosodes, propagation beacons, ditters, dashers, whistlers, and just about anything else that might transmit, in any mode, USB, LSB, CW, Morse Code, FM, AM,FMCW, LFMCW, etc. Think of it as SIGINT (signals intelligence) / COMINT (communications intelligence) / ELINT (electronic intelligence) lite, the hobby version. All the recordings are made by me, most often at my home. Although there are a few mysterious things to be found here, you will not find anything paranormal, extraterrestrial, spiritual, or mystic. However, everyone can have their own interpretations of the sounds heard, make of it what you will.





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