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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 22-04-2019 05:34:25
                Buy it on Steam: http://armor.ag/ZombotronSteam 
Buy it on Kartridge: http://armor.ag/ZombotronKartridge
Buy it on Humble : http://armor.ag/ZombotronHumble

Pull the trigger and start dropping zombies in this heart-pounding, side-scrolling platform shooter.

Blaze Rush is a mercenary desperate for a job. In search of an easy payday he follows a distress beacon to the surface of a dangerous planet and the remains of an ancient crash site. There he finds a mystery that will test his strength, his resolve, and every gun in his arsenal. Zombotron features an arsenal of weapons and armor, enemies that hate each other as much as they hate you, and really nice explosions for an experience that’s out of this world.





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