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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 03-11-2017 04:56:31
                National Democratic Institute (NDI) awarded its 2017 Democracy Award to three organizations at the forefront of the battle to combat disinformation at its annual Democracy Award Dinner in Washington, D.C. Entitled "Disinformation vs. Democracy: Fighting for Facts," the evening’s discussion explored the threat of disinformation to democracy around the world. Margo Gontar, a co-founder and editor of StopFake and a TV host of the weekly news digest, “StopFake News,” accepted the award on behalf of her organization.

StopFake.org in Ukraine is a dedicated fact-checking website run by a group of Ukrainian journalists determined to fight the rising tide of propaganda originating from Russian sources. The purpose of the StopFake.org community is to check and verify facts, and refute distorted information and propaganda about events in Ukraine. Since 2014, StopFake.org has been on the front lines exposing disinformation. In addition to exposing disinformation, StopFake.org works to provide a truthful counter-narrative that engages public audiences proactively, and seeks to “inoculate” them from future disinformation efforts.





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