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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 23-09-2017 12:51:22
                Over Inflated Tire box vs. our Hydraulic Press

So we finally got po box for us and now is time to flood it :D We are going to start pressing stuff that you send to us once every month in live stream at youtube.

You can send anything you want as long it is safe to handle and don't violate youtube community guidelines for add friendly content, so sorry no sex toys :D

The address is
Hydraulic press channel PL 16, 33711 TAMPERE Finland

We are going to start the show when we have enough stuff for first live session. I film inform it clearly on all of our channels. The shipping expenses to Finland might be quite high but you can send also small and light stuff that can be sent as an letter. 
Our second channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveB47lgzZJ1WOf4XYVJNBw
Our fan shop https://www.printmotor.com/hydraulicpresschannel/
https://www.facebook.com/officialhpc/ https://www.instagram.com/hydraulicpresschannel

Do not try this at home!! or at any where else!!

Slow motion videos were filmed with chronos 1.4 high speed camera http://www.krontech.ca

Music Thor's Hammer-Ethan Meixell





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