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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 14-05-2019 08:58:48
                Business Of Debunking Reply. Someone has been kind enough to make a video about me so I thought I would return the favour, This video is made under the fair use act, with the purpose of review on those channels making videos about channels they think are starting their business on debunking and comment trolling

A reply to this video https://youtu.be/CCYdXOgsvWk

Alex Minty
Bernd Hartwig
Blake Swensson
Bryan A Shannon
Bryon James Bignell
Casual Spaceman
Charlie Dundas
Cindy Reagan
Clare Jonsson
Cy Sawyer
David Sumner
Elizabeth Schneider
I Cry When I Wii
Jean-Guy Boivin
Jeff Spijkers
John Hains
john stock
Julie Lees
Kiri Mac
Kyle Madruga
Leo Banks
Lucky Jack Aubrey
Morten Nielsen
Mr Simon Williams
Nenad Cubic
Oneil The Welshman
Paul Creevy
Pete Courtier
Peter Cornell
Renata Bevilagua
Roy. Frazor
Ruth McKinlay
Scott Streeter
Space Cadet 69
Sarcastic Barman
Simon Blake
Stephen Hentkowski
Steve AtTheVan
Sue Pinter
Sveinn Arngrímsson
The PDX Skeptic
Thom Davis
Thomas J Miller Jr MD
{BIG} Tony Watson
Tony Luorio
Turquoise Laura
What Jesus
William Inabnett
Zach Wiedenhoeft

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

Fair Use Definition

Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work under a four-factor balancing test.

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