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Опубликовано: 10-12-2017 12:08:47
                On December 6th, incumbent President Vladimir Putin announced that he would be running for the Russian Presidency in 2018. Despite his many achievements since 2000, he is ridiculed by two liberal and Western-funded opposition opponents – Ksenia Sobchak and Alexei Navalny. The two don’t hold any significant weight in terms of competition – but they are loud in sources of Western mainstream media, such as CNN and BBC. 

Both Sobchak and Navalny criticise Russia’s acquisition of Crimea, for which 97% of Crimeans voted in favour during the 2014 referendum; as well as Russia’s involvement in the war in Syria, despite being legitimately invited by the Assad government, unlike the involvement of the US. 

Serious competition comes only from the Communist Party (KPRF) – Gennady Zyuganov, and Russia’s third most popular political party after United Russia and KPRF,  LDPR – led by the eccentric Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Former TV presenter Sobchak, in an interview with CNN, said that she supports anti-Russian sanctions, and that she would hold a new referendum in the Crimea to decide the fate of the peninsula. In this outtake, she considers NATO's  missiles at the Russian border no threat either – as if it is Russia that is plonking its bases near other world powers. Some have questioned whether Sobchak is even aware of which country’s presidency she’s running for – Russia, Ukraine, or the US?

As for Alexei Navalny - he obtained special training as part of his Yale University education, equipped to organise and carry out “colour revolution" operations with guaranteed funding. History shows that not one "maidan" has ever resolved the problems that its respective country was concerned with - not in Yugoslavia, not in Tunisia, nor Ukraine. Alexei Navalny and his team are agents of US influence and intelligence service collaborators. Navalny holds a Yale University Maurice Greenberg fellowship, who in 2005, was forced to leave his position at AIG Insurance as a result of a corruption investigation by the New York City prosecutor's office, which had revealed accounting fraud. The Council on Foreign Relations came to Greenberg's defence, as well as Mr Henry Kissinger himself. Greenberg was able to avoid a jail term while AIG paid $1.64 billion in fines. 

The investigation similarly revealed various offshore schemes, which were used for the siphoning of money overseas. Greenberg's lawyer was able to access the AIG office on the Bermuda Islands and destroyed around 80 boxes of documents.  These are the 'businessmen' who have the audacity to teach international politics and relations with Russia at Ivy League schools, funding Russia's "fighters against corruption."






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