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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 29-11-2017 04:17:56
                Full report:

The program and pre-scraped corpus used
ETA 1-3 hours 

This video showcase an extensive report of how demonetisation impacts video performance. Our research focus on the hidden variables called “excluded_ads”. This variable was implemented sometime between the 27th of January and the 5th of February, 2015. 

During our testing we have found that videos with excluded_ads variables 102, 104 and 109 are heavily devalued by the algorithm (most likely 113, 115 as well). 90% of all videos that have less than 40-50% advertisements have 102, 104 or 109. 

We expect these variables to be related to youtube’s advertising “content filter”. You can find a link here https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/7515513?hl=en Our personal guess is the following

102=“Profanity and rough language” (very wide)
104=“Sexually suggestive content”
105=“Tragedy and conflict” (War, army, headshot etc)
109=“Sensational and shocking”
115=“Sensitive social issues”

This does not mean that demonetised videos without these values are not affected. We’re absolutely certain that the censorship is not limited to these excluded_ads variables. 

We’re almost certain that “excluded_ads” is indexed for the algorithm. Thereby this value might not be properly updated when monetisation changes. The value that is returned in the source code of videos is most likely what the suggestion algorithm read regardless if it’s actual monetisation status. So a manually approved video or monetised video may still be censored, since the algorithm has an old monetisation value indexed.  

This video will be uploaded either Saturday or Sunday when the full report is ready to be publicised. You are absolutely free to share this video privately with other youtubers as long as they are aware of the embargo that is Saturday/Sunday. That means that no public videos or tweets are allowed before the release of the full report. 

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Sealow_





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