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Опубликовано: 25-01-2022 11:25:26
                Марьяна Жагло купила себе охотничье ружье, но стрелять она собирается не в оленей. "Как мать я не хочу, чтобы мои дети унаследовали проблемы Украины или чтобы эти угрозы передались им. Лучше я разберусь с этим сейчас", - сказала 52-летняя исследовательница маркетинга, взяв в руки карабин Zbroyar Z-15 на кухне своей киевской квартиры.
"Я никогда в жизни не охотилась. Я купила этот карабин после того как послушала как некоторые солдаты обсуждали, какую винтовку лучше приобрести. Если до этого дойдет, мы будем бороться за Киев, мы будем защищать нашего города. Я не вижу смысла в том чтобы русские начинали войну и хочу чтобы они оставили Киев в покое.
Марьяне Жагло маркетолог, мать троих детей и по совместительству - боец 130-го Соломенского батальона 112-й бригады теробороны Киева. Вступила добровольно, ездит каждое воскресенье на тренировки. Таскает 20-килограммовый рюкзак, учится стрелять и обустраивать блокпосты. "Что бы ни случилось, мы должны быть готовы".


Mariana Zhaglo bought her own hunting rifle, but it is not deer she is thinking of shooting. “As a mother I do not want my children to inherit Ukraine’s problems, or have these threats passed on to them. It is better that I deal with this now,” the 52-year-old marketing researcher said, picking up the Zbroyar Z-15 carbine in the kitchen of her Kiev apartment.
“I have never hunted in my life. I bought this carbine after listening to some soldiers discussing the best rifle to get. If it comes to it then we will fight for Kiev; we will fight to protect our city. I don’t see any sense in the Russians starting a war and leaving Kiev alone.

President Biden is preparing to dispatch up to 8,500 troops to eastern Europe as he rallies Nato allies around a plan to deter Russia from invading Ukraine.
He spoke last night to European leaders and the Nato secretary-general in an urgent video call, his most prominent intervention yet in the fraught diplomatic response to the build-up of 127,000 Russian troops and weaponry along Ukraine’s borders. A sudden deployment of more Russian troops to Belarus, supposedly for military exercises next month, gives the Kremlin bases only a few hours’ drive from Ukraine’s capital.
The US troop deployment coincides with a reminder from Nato of its “deterrence” option, with member states preparing troops, warships and fighter planes in what would be the alliance’s largest deployment yet to eastern Europe. Amid fears that Germany was still wavering on some of the toughest measures, Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, joined an emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers to discuss likely sanctions in the event of a Russian invasion.
The American efforts were seeking to smooth over divisions highlighted inadvertently by Biden last week when he suggested that Nato allies would be split on how to respond to any Russian intervention that was short of an all-out invasion. Aiming to clarify Biden’s remarks, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the UN, told reporters that Washington would act on any attempt to overthrow the government in Kiev, after intelligence warnings of a plot to install pro-Kremlin “puppets”.
She said: “We’re prepared to respond to whatever actions they take, whether it’s sending ‘little green men’ or sending cyberattacks into Ukraine or into our countries as they have done before.”
Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretarygeneral, sought to play down the alliance’s divisions. “Nato will continue to take all necessary measures to protect and defend all allies, including by reinforcing the eastern part of the alliance,” he said.
President Macron of France had muddied the waters last week with his suggestion of a separate EU dialogue. Germany has publicly wavered over tough sanctions on Russia and the future of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. It has refused to provide Ukraine with defensive weapons, even preventing Estonia from sending artillery manufactured in Germany.
Vitali Klitschko, Kiev’s mayor and a former world heavyweight boxing champion, accused Germany of “a betrayal of friends” in an article in the country’s bestselling newspaper, Bild.
“Many are asking themselves the question: where does the German government stand?” he wrote. “On the side of freedom and thereby on the side of Ukraine? Or on the side of the aggressor? We need clear signals from Europe’s most important country.”
Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, declined to follow the US and Britain in withdrawing some nonessential embassy staff and their families from Kiev, a move the Ukrainian government called “premature”.





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