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Опубликовано: 12-06-2022 12:41:23
                Please support me! ;w;

VK public page: https://vk.com/soundlessvoice

Thanks to my Patreons: 郁, Gaku, Geser, Denys S, Сергей Агафонов, Sea Ocean, Otaku Chan, Виктория, Likoris Spiegelglatt, Andy Greenwell!

mp3: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/AIe0N7SSbt8MGg

Okay, this song can be considered kinda controversial, but it's dedicated to the unfair actions of the police in Russia and the mass arrests of the people who's against the war. I found this veeeery old draft of the music from like 2014, when I kinda had a band, but it was dismissed and we didn't use it. And then - boom, I've created the lyrics like in the blink of an eye. Thanks to all the peeps from Moldova, Kazakhstan/Japan, Russia, Udmurtia, Ukraine and Bashkiria for their help of people voices!


Music: Seth Frost, Cortx
Vocals & lyrics: LEN
Support voices: Felya, Jane Erberg, Kari, Naoto, Maria Virdi, Shiro, Shannon, Song Anyoka, sunx1ze
MIX: LEN, Sata (channel/UCQt0HaPZ__3qOX1iUHdRDpg)
Illust: FelixF (https://twitter.com/FelixF2401)

UPD: I've added the translation to English!

Hey, old man, tell me,
Report rank by rank
How the halter on your bull neck
Does not affect your life?

You eat conscience for lunch [Bebop`s Cry song reference],
And look as if you'd just come out of a bandbox.
But what's the cost
Of your bloody-red ticket [officer's certificate]? 

Daddy ordered you to get 'em busted.
The paddy wagon is full.
Fuck your Oedipus complex,
Why have you decided to implement it this way?

For getting ones like us,
You receive medals,
But know that everything
In the world has its price.

We don't need the war x 3
We don't need...

You were born free
And became a slave!
Wanted to be a cop [police officer] ["a cop" in the context of Russian mentality has the positive connotation]
You will die a cop! [the Russian synonym "мент" has the negative connonation of the word "cop"]

We don't need the war x 2

There's a new swastika zigzag [Z-sign]
Reflected in your eyes.
But you're fucking scared as hell
Of children, girls and dogs [Many real arrests cases]

Our patience is
Running away like sand.
Do you feel the earth shaking
So you're just losing your hold here.

The grass can grow through the asphalt,
So if the one falls - the two will rise.
A soulless eagle [Russian coat of arms]
Must lose his head! 

No matter how much you shake the ruble [using of subornation and fake course of RUB to USD]
Hundreds of lives will not return
Only one way left -
Cut off all the rot from the body! [make serious changes]

You were born free
And became a slave!
Wanted to be a cop [police officer] ["a cop" in the context of Russian mentality has the positive connotation]
You will die a cop! [the Russian synonym "мент" has the negative connonation of the word "cop"]

We don't need the war x 6
♪ https://twitter.com/kaze_ni_naritai - Twitter
♪ Cover, tuning & timing commissions: https://goo.gl/GkQgL6 
♪ paypal.me/renreiss  - PayPal (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE FOR RUSSIA)
♪ https://www.patreon.com/renreiss - Patreon page
♪ 410011497095813  - Yandex Money
♪ 4274 3200 6267 8514 - VISA Сбербанк





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