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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 16-05-2023 04:38:05
                Welcome back to my first 2023 video post-contest, and it's time to update the average result of every country! Make sure you read this description if you want to know about the system I used and to avoid confusion in the comments.

As well as the countries and averages, you can also see how the 2023 results affected their overall placement in the ranking, and which song got the closest result to a country's average!

Morocco and Serbia & Montenegro have been excluded due to not having enough participations (and basically making the video less exciting)- Morocco's 1 participation in 1980 would earn them last place (5.56%) and Serbia & Montenegro's 2 participations as one single country in 2004-2005 would earn them 1st (90.68%).

In this system, both the position achieved and the amount of participants each year are considered so every result is proportional and relative- how successful a country placed in one year is calculated by the percentage of other participants that placed below them, i.e. a win is 100%, a last place is 0%, and all the rest fill in the places fractionally between. The average of all of these numbers is then taken for each country, and they are ordered in the ranking you see in this video! This allows each year to have equal weight and doesn't discriminate against the newer countries for joining in years with more participants.

(For anyone who saw previous videos, this is exactly the same weighting as the scaled average system, just a different way to express it).

When you tie with someone else, they are essentially half above you and half below you, so that is also reflected in the positions. For example, the placement for a 2-way tie for 2nd is treated as 2.5, meaning the percentage of participants that placed below will be exactly between the value for 2 and 3. And with 3-way ties, joint 8th is treated as 9 because it's the average of the positions 8, 9 and 10, so the value is the percentage of participants that placed below 9th. The single tie that remains unaltered is the 4-way tie for 1st in 1969, as all of them are official winners so all get 100%.

The automatic qualifiers (host entries, the big 5, and high placing countries from 2004-2007) get their results treated in 2 different ways.
- If they placed above countries that qualified to the final, the number of participants is the overall amount that year, meaning their percentage increases.
- If they only placed above other automatic qualifiers (or came last) the number of participants is only the amount of finalists, meaning coming last in the final is the same as dead last overall.

This video is only about placings for the average, but points do come into deciding the position order of non qualifiers from different semi finals, and compared to previous videos, my system has now changed (!!) and no longer uses the eurovisionworld rankings.

There'll hopefully be a video where I go into this more, but in summary: my new system now sets the average amount of points received as 50%, meaning all non qualifying point scores are now divided by that figure (58*voters/participants) instead of the maximum possible (12*(voters-1)) to determine their order. The reasoning being that although 1 point takes up a greater proportion of the total with less voters, there are also less zeroes these voters give out in the points- so the impressiveness and the lack of impressiveness cancel out. This results in NQ rankings that are mostly more similar to ordering by just the points themselves rather than the percentage, but 2022 for example (where semi 1 had 2 less voters and 1 less participant than semi 2) produces the most notable changes. 

The changes from last year when I did use the eurovisionworld system are very tiny, but if you're wondering why Hungary's most average song changed despite not participating, that is the reason.

Every single song a country participated with is considered equally, as opposed to every single year a country participated in. This means that the countries which sent 2 songs in 1956 each have 2 placings from that year. Switzerland has 1 win and a 13-way tie for 2nd place, and the rest all have two 13-way ties for 2nd place to contribute to their average. If you apply the tiebreak rules above, this works out as 8th out of 14, as 8 is the average of the numbers from 2-14.

90s NQs
Pre-qualifying rounds were held in 1993 and 1996, but both of these have been ignored for this ranking as they are not officially part of the Eurovision Song Contest in the same way that semi finals now are. All countries failing to qualify in those years simply didn't participate.

I think I have covered everything, but don't be afraid to leave a comment. I hope you enjoy the video!





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