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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 02-08-2017 12:00:03
                The Summer Games return to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on August 8! Join game director Jeff Kaplan as he discusses what's changed, what's the same, and what you can expect from this year’s event. 

00:47 - Will last year's Summer Games items be available again this year?
01:08 - Confirmation that all Summer Games items can be unlocked via credits
01:36 - Summer Games 2017 loot box items teaser 
02:31 -  Overview of changes coming to credit unlocks for Summer Games 2016 items
03:50 - Lúcioball is back, and it's got a new arena!
04:16 - Discussion of some of the gameplay changes made to Lúcioball from last year
05:11 - Introducing Copa Lúcioball
06:20 - Have fun, and we'll see you August 8!

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