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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 26-06-2019 06:39:39
                Void Tyrant is a single-player deckbuilding RPG adventure rooted in the mechanics of blackjack! 

You and your opponent take turns laying down numbered cards, choosing whether to hit or stand, in an effort to get as close to a value of 12 without going over. You'll also be able to play unique skills or items that can do things like modify the value of your opponent's hand or your own, cast spells or wield attacks, and more more. You may even be joined by allies who add their own special cards to your deck.

Choose your hero from one of several different powerful classes and search distant planets. Combat is more than just who has the higher stats or fancier weapons. You'll need to carefully consider your options and plan throughout each encounter, since only the person who wins the round gets to deal damage.





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