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Опубликовано: 28-07-2017 12:00:03
                We're over halfway through 2017, so let's take a look back on the best fails of the year so far! This has been a great year for failure. Humanity never ceases to amaze us with the creative ways in which our species fails; and we thank you for your continued support! We love you all! Don't forget to submit your videos to failarmy.com

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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms! 

To license any of the videos shown on FailArmy, please visit Jukin Media at http://bit.ly/jukinlicense.

Sea Lion Drags Girl Into Water https://goo.gl/4XrfEc
Pileup at Bike Race https://goo.gl/bY66BG
Girls Attempt to Create Funny Video and Break Swing Set https://goo.gl/HuPKYU
Quad Into Car https://goo.gl/ZJwkGG
Kayaker Gets Stuck in Hydraulic https://goo.gl/aQKP4u
Guy Accidentally Collapses Roof https://goo.gl/TeVj9C
Drunk Guy in Hallway 
Guy Slips off Edge of Canyon and Into Water https://goo.gl/5QeXdc
Gender Reveal Box on Kid https://goo.gl/Y64kQF
Ball in Claw Machine Bounces Back Into Pile https://goo.gl/EfuKRe
Drag Race Begins in Collision https://goo.gl/zugQwU
Guy off Ladder after Dropping Chandelier https://goo.gl/hv9Ecc
Guy in Wheelchair Fails to Back Away From Fireworks https://goo.gl/CtxMDw
Little Brother Throws Brush at Sister's Head https://goo.gl/fcVv7u
Girl Accidentally Spills Coffee on Compute https://goo.gl/s8JHj9
Woman Collapses in Inflatable Hammock https://goo.gl/VcTt1k
Motorcycle Wheelie Attempt 
Black Bear Attacks Man https://goo.gl/ZQgvDP
Guy Accidentally Smashes Light With Pool Stick https://goo.gl/FXGNiH
Baby Boy Makes a Mess 
Dog Accidentally Jumps Into Pond https://goo.gl/1DuvgV
Kid Flat On His Back While Attempting to Backflip 
Guy Has a Close Encounter with Giraffe https://goo.gl/AXQb1J
Men Fail to Put Roof Onto Sixteen-Foot Metal Support https://goo.gl/NJsKUr
Firearm Flies out of Girl's Hands https://goo.gl/vNbgAU
Snow Canoe Hits Girl https://goo.gl/4tfBjN
Pole Breaks as Dancer Does Spin https://goo.gl/aKh3ZM
Fallen Trees Trap Car on Road https://goo.gl/mvw7iP
Dog Eats Food with a Face https://goo.gl/9k9C4h
Broken Guitar Hits Guy's Nuts https://goo.gl/FLhkFi
Go Kart Rider Gets Rear-Ended While Trying to Take a Selfie https://goo.gl/1F34FU
Bird Attacks Man https://goo.gl/nBVaFU
Skier Attempts Jump Across Street 
Guy on Inner Tube into Dog https://goo.gl/B8SKzQ
Guy Attempts to Do Side Flip Across Gap https://goo.gl/SJSB7V
Guy Bets He Can Lift 185 Pound Benchpress https://goo.gl/Hdw18K
Mother Duck Attacks Camera Man https://goo.gl/yaR1ue
Guy Scares Dad with Leaf Blower https://goo.gl/LqWRqF
Snowmobile Attempts Jump https://goo.gl/3Uhyfh
Crane Onto Street https://goo.gl/ZWEigD
Excavator Losing Control https://goo.gl/1zjKre
Guy Through Roof at Fast Food Restaurant https://goo.gl/2MsUFv
Guy Motorcycle Attempting to Wheelie https://goo.gl/vJDW2a
Golf Ball Bounces Back to Starting Point https://goo.gl/uM9PYW
Guy Fails to Cross Bridge While Boating https://goo.gl/G7WWnu
Pole Dancer Accidentally Kicks Self in Head With High Heel https://goo.gl/wLBxf8
Drone Flies Into Mother's Hair https://goo.gl/dz21ya
Guy in Hang Glide Attempt https://goo.gl/sxDvCT
Guy Bounces off Velcro Wall https://goo.gl/9dkuV2
Pickup Truck Runs Straight Into a Snow Bank https://goo.gl/3bBbyc
Girl Rides Bike Down Dirt Hill and Faceplants https://goo.gl/RMt8Co
Guy Into Creek From Tree Trunk https://goo.gl/6dQ8ST
Amateur Cook Lights Stove on Fire 
Wild Turkey Attacks Photographer https://goo.gl/jYCgRV
Guy Accidentally Kicks Woman in Face While Pole Dancing https://goo.gl/Rs61AB
Guy Slips Off Boat Before Diving Into Water https://goo.gl/PWxJNJ
Elephant Seal Rolls Down Hill https://goo.gl/zjJJvY
Guy Attempts to Break Through Wood Plank https://goo.gl/5sKNSi
Boat Tips over after Disembarking https://goo.gl/q4bUZs
Guy Goes Flying Off Snowmobile https://goo.gl/W7D3a2
Drunk Man Faceplants into Laundry Basket https://goo.gl/HALvtF
Duck Walks Across Wet Concrete https://goo.gl/2cjuQ1
Glider into Tree https://goo.gl/weRHGU
Moped Rider https://goo.gl/WTSg4A
Guy Flies off Launched Snowmobile https://goo.gl/xrXrM7
Guy's Head Gets Stuck Between Train Doors https://goo.gl/cJi715
Crowd Gets Hit by Firework Embers https://goo.gl/xJvXzH
River Zip-Line Tree Branch Fail https://goo.gl/EhYVwb





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