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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 20-08-2018 03:13:41
                My reply to TheQuartering's (Angry "Strawman" Joe Misrepresents Fans On Battlefield 5) Video Response that believed the video was solely about him and his fabulous points of actually sharing the same opinion as me on this issue.
So its not about SJW's Nor Women? LIKE AT ALL?! And I'm the one Strawmaning?
I did want to clear up a few things though - Auto Moderation is apparently enabled on my channel by my moderator (and I do think moderation is fine on YT) and I do actually WATCH the videos in question and actually subscribe to a few of these channels. 

Plz don't expect me to do more of these if the next guy says all my points are about his channel only. I just don't think females in BFV is a big deal this time around, sorry to my friends on the otherside.
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