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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 26-11-2017 09:59:22
                You can make a chain of plastic bottles. This is a great way to recycle plastic bottles. This video can be very useful in the future, so pay attention to it!
How to make a Bottle Cutter for plastic bottles: https://youtu.be/7vz3O6MJmf8

Are you interested in needlework or do you simply have nothing to do? Then you are on the right channel! On our channel you can find interesting videos of hand-made articles, handmade articles, and most importantly, that they are all made from improvised tools and at minimal cost!

We recommend watching the video of the craft:

How to make a chain of plastic bottles with your own hands:https://youtu.be/4OvrRjJkYbs

Tool for cutting plastic bottles: https://youtu.be/yy33X6PlVl4

Tool for cutting glass bottles: https://youtu.be/7vz3O6MJmf8

How to cut a bolt at home | Easily cut the bolt: https://youtu.be/WXi05n2PPL8

Crafts made of plastic tape by hand: https://youtu.be/CCiv7JQK0XI

How to create a projector for smartphones: https://youtu.be/EhTs-mjB8GQ

Music specially for Lifekaki (2017)

Amazing idea the chain of plastic bottles. What can I do with the bottle cutter? How to make a chain. What can you do with a plastic bottle cutter? How easy it is to make a chain with your own hands. Lifehack with a cutter for glass bottles. Easily wind a chain. We work with Lifekaki. Bottle knives. Plastic bottle craft. How. TUTORIAL - YouTube. DIY & Crafts. #DIY

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Amazing Chain in of plastic bottles with your own hands | Do it yourself | Lifekaki






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