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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 13-12-2020 02:59:29
                Название: «Карусель»;
Авторы: Александр Козловский (композитор) и Виктор Игнатьев (обработка);
Исполнитель: Инструментальный ансамбль Ленинградского радио и телевидения под управлением Виктора Игнатьева*;
Год записи: 1970

Back on June 3, 2020, new evidence arose that the author of the composition was not Vladimir Dmitriev, as previously thought, but in fact Alexander Kozlovsky. Moreover, the author of the arrangement is Viktor Ignatiev, whose ensemble actually performed this melody. 
Without further ado, here is the exact and definitive information about the piece "Carousel":

The song is called "Карусель" (which translates to "Carousel"), recorded by the Viktor Ignatiev's instrumental ensemble of the Leningrad radio and television* in 1970, the piece is composed by Alexander Kozlovsky.






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