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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 01-04-2020 09:00:10
                The third release by Caesarius. This song tells of a conspiracy against Caesar. In the story, Cassius and Сasсa persuade Brutus to remember his tyrannicide ancestor and carry out a conspiracy. The song is recorded featuring the famous German vocalist Herbie Langhans (Avantasia, Voodoo Circle, Radiant). Also Caesarius re-recorded the song Dreamland. Check our YouTube channel and listen to it too!

released April 1, 2020

Vocals - Vasi Lichtenberg
Lead guitar - Andrew Gluss 
Rhythm guitar - Danny Wolf
Bass guitar - Sergius Harrington 
Drums - Vitaly Veerbull
Keyboard arrangements - Alex K. Strangel

Recorded and mixed by Sergei Lazar
Cover artwork by Oleg [Voodoo] Shcherbakov
Official website: https://caesariusband.weebly.com (use VPN in Russia and Ukraine)
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/caesarius.band
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/caesarius_official
VK https://vk.com/caesarius_band

You can download the single on iTunes, Google Play, Bandcamp, Spotify and more!





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