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Опубликовано: 21-09-2017 11:05:54
                “Слова можуть надихати і слова можуть руйнувати”. 
Сьогодні, у світі дезінформації, слова можуть бути навмисно використані, щоб ввести в оману. 

12 вересня компанія Apple опублікувала рекламний ролик Apple Watch (https://youtu.be/N-x8Ik9G5Dg), в якому фігурує деякий “російський кіборг”. Спільно з ПРЯМИЙ ТЕЛЕКАНАЛ, ми вирішили звернутись до компанії. 

Долучайтесь до цього звернення та поширюйте.

“Words can inspire. And words can destroy.” And today in a world of disinformation, words can be deliberately intended to deceive.

On September 12, 2017, Apple has released a new Apple Watch commercial (https://youtu.be/N-x8Ik9G5Dg), featuring a “cyborg from Russia”. Together with prm.global, we decided to respond to the company. 

Join our appeal and share.

Dear Apple, 

I am a Ukrainian Cyborg. 

I know you will watch this. But I am not sure you know why your commercial insults me and my country. I hope that after you hear my story, you will understand the error of your ways.
In 2014 Russian Armed Forces and their proxies attacked Ukraine. I went to defend it.

They called me a Cyborg, because I survived so long, they couldn’t believe it.
I fought every day and night, because there was a whole country behind my back.
I couldn’t use an Apple watch to send an SOS, because I was the one doing the saving.
I didn’t count circles, because the world itself seemed to circle around.
I wasn’t tracking sleeping hours, as I don’t even remember if I actually slept there. 

242 days we defended the Donetsk Airport, until its walls fell. 
Since the invasion, over 10 000 of MY people have been killed as a result of Russian aggression.

Today, I am alive. I’m training. I will be defending our freedom for the rest of my life.

While my country has its land illegally occupied and annexed by the Russian Federation, its people killed, tortured and kidnapped, your company has wittingly or unwittingly colluded with the Russian Federation in its propaganda war against us. It has done so by presenting a “Russian” Cyborg”. 
By the way, that railroad station in your video is still working, because I defended it.
We call for an immediate correction of the commercial. We also call for a written apology to the Cyborgs, both living and dead, who fought on the frontlines for our common democracy.

Awaiting for your response.





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