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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 08-12-2017 02:36:05
                Gaming, like life, is often about social interaction – a time to join with others in a common cause, or to simply exorcise a few demons with some cathartic virtual carnage. But sometimes you just need a little time away. A place where you can go to escape the vicissitudes of everyday life. And that’s where a great single-player game comes in.

Once upon a time, these solitary experiences dominated the gaming landscape. But in recent years, with multiplayer on the rise, single-player games have become fewer in number. Meanwhile, the community has been clamoring for more single-player games, and the media has penned a panoply of pieces bemoaning the loss of single-player experiences. But never fear! Bethesda is here to help. In a new video that debuted at The Game Awards, starring none other than Lynda Carter, we share our vision for saving the single player. 

So whether you pick up Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, The Evil Within 2, Prey, Dishonored 2, DOOM, Fallout 4: Game of the Year, Skyrim Special Edition – or all of the above – rest assured that Bethesda has you covered with a critically acclaimed, award-winning single-player game that’s just what you need. 

In the coming weeks, we’ll also be sharing your stories about single-player games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more. So be sure to join in the fun with the hashtag: #SavePlayer1

Learn more at https://beth.games/singleplayer






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