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Опубликовано: 27-09-2018 11:43:01
                #Waterengine #hydrogen #watercar #hydrogencar #electricengine #electriccar #tesla

However, only now, in the 21st century, we all understand, why these inventions, are not available to the masses. 
The problem, with such devices, is that they will completely change, the way the world's energy companies, do business. 
Perhaps they will ,even destroy them. Such inventions are therefore, the first threat, to transnational corporations, in the energy industry.

A water molecule consists, of two hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom.
 When, an electric current, is passed through water, with certain parameters, it splits into, its constituent elements. 
With the subsequent combustion, of oxygen and hydrogen, in the engine, the energy output, is obtained in two, and a half times higher, than when burning gasoline. 
In this case, the combustion product is water vapor, which returns water, back to the atmosphere.





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