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Описание видео

Опубликовано: 14-12-2019 04:39:57
                Apple has complied with Russian demands to show the annexed Crimean peninsula as part of Russian territory on its apps.

Ukraine has reacted with fury to the change saying the company does not “give a damn” about the pain of the Ukrainian people.

Taking into account, that just a month earlier Apple has appeased another dictator regime, in China, NewsFromUkraine decided that it is time to release a “true” Apple commercial, which would expose the venal nature of Apple Inc. 

This video uses royalty free videos from the websites pexels.com and videvo.net. 
In particular, we acknowledge the following authors:
Mitchp from videvo.net
Cottonbro from Pexels 
Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels 
Video fragments from Euronews, CNN, Voice of America and the National were also used in the video.





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